After 22 years... Castle Dracula: Walkthrough and Dungeon Boat Ride will return to the Wildwood Boardwalk, as a memorial. With the gracious help of fans, former cast members, the Nickels Family and the City of Wildwood, the Castle will once again have a presence on the boardwalk! Stay tuned for more updates as this special project develops.
The Memorial will be created and installed on Cedar Avenue in the exact location of the original griffin from which the statue was casted.
Features will Include:
Statue created from a cast from the last surviving griffin from the castle drawbridge. (including an LED Flame on top)
History-filled backdrop that will include pictures, QR codes to the website & Castle Photo Gallery featuring fan and employee submitted photos. As well as a map of both the dungeon and the walkthrough.
LED Spotlights to illuminate the statue and backdrop at night.
Solar Powered
Location in the exact spot of the original surviving griffin.
Flags representing all three decades of operation and acknowledging its location in Nickel’s Midway Pier.
And a special dedication plaque*
*ALL Persons who donate towards the memorial will be immortalized on the plaque that will be placed on the base of Griffin